Breast cancer is a kind of cancer that develops in the breast cells. It can take place in both men and women but is most commonly found in women so far. Researches and considerable support has helped in disseminating awareness about this cancer. The rate of continued existence has increased, and the rate of demises has gradually gone down due to before time recognition, fresh approaches for the treatment, and identifying the illness.
What are the symptoms?
The symbols and symptoms of breast cancer may include-
- Variations in the skin above the breast
- Redness of the skin above the breast
- Variation in the figure, size, or look of the breast
- Shedding of the pigmented region near the nipple of the breast skin
- A breast knob that feels dissimilar to the nearby tissues
- A recently made-up nipple
What causes breast cancer?
It occurs when the cells of the breast start developing abruptly. These cells build-up speedily than the good cells and form an inflammation. The grown cells reach to your lymph nodes through the breast and other parts of the body. The cells of milk-producing ducts are the most common preys of breast cancer. Glandular tissues also remain at risk.
Environmental, lifestyle, and hormonal aspects are also liable for the development of this cancer. However, this is unclear why some people have breast cancer even when they are miles away from the risk factors, while some people who are prone to the threats never develop cancer. Your hereditary form and environment probably have a compound interface in the development of cancer.
Consider a discussion with your doctor about your signs, symptoms. He or she may refer to a genetic counselor, who can re-assess the health history of your family. He or she may also share the benefits, limitations, and threats involved in genetic testing.
What are the risk factors?
There can be certain risk factors that may trigger breast cancer. However, it is not true that if you are prone to the risk factors, you will surely develop cancer. In some cases, no risk factors are found. The risk factors may include-
- Being a women
- Radiation exposure. If you have taken treatment through radiation exposure in childhood through your chest, you may be at risk
- Intake of alcohol
- Gearing up in age
- Obesity
- Postmenopausal hormone therapy
- Own history or family record of breast cancer
- If you never bore a child
- Having periods at an early and younger age
- Establishment of menopause at an older age
- Bearing a child at a grown-up age
How can I prevent breast cancer?
Wise or careful living can decrease the risk of cancer. You may do the following-
- Take alcohol in a minor percentage or try to abandon it
- Prefer a healthy diet
- If you suspect, request your doctor for screening the cancer
- Minimize postmenopausal hormone treatment
- Exercise regularly
- Stay familiar with the changes that takes place in or around your breasts