A person may have a fever if his/her body temperature rises above 98-100°F or 36-37°C (average body temperature). Fever can result because of a disease or illness. It can be uneasy. However, you should not worry if your body warmth isn’t above 100°F. OTC medications can help you in the treatment. Nevertheless, if the temperature goes above 103°F or 37°C, you must seek your doctor’s prescription for fever. He or she may diagnose your condition and prescribe suitable medications to address your condition. Moreover, some home remedies can help ease symptoms and lower body temperature. For now, let’s discuss the foods one should eat to recover from a high fever.
- Berries can help in boosting the immune system and help fight the disease
- Chicken soup provides energy to the body
- Coconut water may help you stay hydrated
- Fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and help strengthen your immune system
- Fiber-rich food in fiber helps pass the stools. Being sick may make it difficult to release the bowel movements
You can try eating these foods, along with following the doctor’s prescription for fever.
- Buy Paracetamol from Daily Chemist; it can help relieve fever.
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What can be other home remedies to lower down body’s temperature?
Along with the foods, some other home remedies can also help you get rid of the fever symptoms. They may include the following-
- Drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated
- Wear light-colored and comfortable clothes
- Take a bath with lukewarm water
- Use wet compresses
These methods can help adult people to ease their condition. However, newborn babies or children below the age of one year should not be given any medication without the doctor’s prescription for fever. If your infant has a body temperature of or above 100°F, seek medical help as soon as possible. High body heat in babies of less than 24 months can reflect severe infections.