The normal blood pressure (BP) is expressed as 120/80 mm Hg. Here, 120 mm Hg shows the systolic pressure. On the other hand, 80 mm Hg shows the diastolic pressure. You may have Low BP when the figure of systolic and diastolic pressure declines by 90 mm Hg and 80 mm Hg, respectively. This condition is also called hypotension and causes dizziness, exhaustion, and lack of concentration. It is wise to consult with your doctor if you face this condition. He or she may prescribe certain medications to deal with your problem. However, you can also seek online doctor consultation for the same purpose. Moreover, some lifestyle adjustments may also lend you a hand in coping up with low blood pressure.
What causes low blood pressure?
You may have hypotension due to different reasons. Let’s us know some of them-
- Skipping meals
- Lack of appropriate water in the body
- Body posture
- Stress and anxiety
- Blood loss due to an injury
Certain health conditions may also result in causing low BP. Some of them are-
- Heart diseases
- Allergic reactions
- Pregnancy
- Infection
- Endocrine problem
- Diarrhea
You may look for your doctor’s opinion if you experience a decline in your normal blood pressure. He or she may examine your condition. Accordingly, your doctor may prescribe medications to manage your condition. Moreover, lifestyle adjustments like eating a well-balanced diet, drinking plenty of water, and relaxation exercises like yoga and meditation may also lend you a hand.
You can seek an online doctor consultation for low blood pressure from the Daily Chemist web page. Moreover, you can request medical guidance from experts.
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At Daily Chemist we specialise in treatments for many health conditions. We only source genuine UK medicines from MHRA regulated suppliers. We provide next day delivery options and express chemist and pharmacy services to our customers.
You can order your treatment and medicines for your medical conditions online with our chemist clicks away to support you. We can provide you with impartial health advice over telephone and email.