Herpes simplex virus (HSV) is a sexually transmitted infection that transmits through sexual and close physical contact. There are two strains in which HSV results in; oral herpes (HSV 1) and genital herpes (HSV 2). They cause sores and blisters on different parts of the body. Oral herpes or cold sores cause blisters in or around the mouth, tongue, fingers, and throat. However, genital herpes results in causing blisters in or around the genitals. It is advisable to consult with your doctor if you experience the symptoms of HSV. He or she may diagnose your condition and prescribe suitable medications for your treatment.
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How does the herpes simplex virus symptomize?
As discussed above, oral and genital herpes results in causing blisters in different parts of the human body. Let’s discuss their signs and symptoms. Oral herpes may show symptoms like-
- Inflammation in the lymph nodes
- Blisters inside the mouth, in or around the lips, or other parts of the body
- Headache
On the other hand, the symptoms of HSV 2 take place in or around the genitals. They may result in-
- Pain and pressure in the lower abdominal cavity
- Abnormal vaginal discharge
- Flu-like illness
- Prickling and scorching sensation in the genitals or anus
Above all, if you notice these signs and symptoms, reach out to your doctor as soon as possible. Early identification of the infection can help manage the symptoms.
How can I prevent HSV?
Both the strains of the herpes simplex virus are not curable. Nevertheless, certain medications and lifestyle adjustments may help ease the symptoms. Treatments may also lend you a hand in reducing future outbreaks. Some lifestyle adjustments are as follows-
- Keeping the infected area clean and arid
- Washing it with cleansers
- Wearing soft and comfortable clothes
You can prevent the infection by making use of condoms and dental dams during sex. Moreover, do not share things with people having the infection. You can ask your doctor for more sets of prevention. Following these preventive steps can help avoid the risk of herpes simplex virus. Above all, if you experience the symptoms of HSV, reach out to your doctor as soon as possible.
You can seek an online doctor consultation for herpes. Visit the Daily Chemist web page for any queries. Moreover, you can also request medical guidance from experts.