Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) : Causes, Types, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment and More

Sexually transmitted infections or STIs are the diseases or infections that are transmitted from one person to another through sexual contact. STIs are also called as STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) or VDs (venereal diseases). These infections can be spread when unprotected vaginal, anal, or oral sex takes place with someone who has a sexually transmitted disease.

Does STI transmit only by having sex?

This common question thrives on people’s minds that can sexually transmitted diseases transmitted only by sex. 

This is true that sexually transmitted infections are transmitted through sex but it is untrue that sex is the only medium through which the sexually transmitted infections are transmitted. Sharing needles and breastfeeding can also be a medium of transmitting the STIs depending upon the particular sexually transmitted diseases. Public lice and scabies can spread to close personal contact with an infected person. Sharing the clothes, towels and even sheets of an infected person can get you infected in STIs.

Viruses and bacteria cause these sexually transmitted diseases. Some of the diseases are Hepatitis B, HIV (Human immunodeficiency syndrome), and HPV (human papillomavirus). Bacteria also cause these diseases. Some of them are Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and Syphilis. 


Before having sexual intercourse

There are some basic things to think about before having sexual intercourse with your partner. It is because if your partner has any sexually transmitted disease it can be transmitted to you, which is not healthy for you, your partner, and your coming generation. 

Ask your partner about STI

You should talk to your partner about STI and if he or she has any. Yes, it would be uncomfortable but it is better to prevent than to cure. If there is any doubt or chance of your partner or you do have a sexually transmitted disease, approach the doctor, and get a checkup. Some of the basic reason for having a sexually transmitted disease is having sex with many partners, taking drugs for having any sexually transmitted diseases in the past.

What are the symptoms of STI?

  • Itching around the pelvic region.
  • Discharge from the vagina in females and penis from males.
  • Pain around anus.
  • Darkness in Urine, yellowish skin and eyes.
  • Swollen Glands, slight fever, and body pain
  • Small blisters around the genital area and others depending on person to person. 

How is STI diagnosed?

It is better to be diagnosed with STIs before having sexual intercourse with your partner. The diagnosis can be in the form of a blood test discharge from the vagina or penis. 

How STI can be prevented?

The only way to prevent STI is to not have sex. It is better to seek, and alternative to have a romantic relationship with your partner. This means without letting the body fluid passed from the boy. 

If you decide to have sex, you can take care of some of the following preventions before having sexual intercourse with your partner

  • Use condom
  • Choose a partner who had not done sex with many other partners.
  • Do not get into sexual intercourse with a person having the signs of sexually transmitted disease.
  • It is better to talk with a person about STI before getting into sexual intercourse.

There are treatments in medical science for Sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, you should not lose hope. At the earlier symptoms,consult with the doctor and ask for the better and sooner treatment sexually transmitted diseases

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