Period Cycle, Period delay is a situation when you do not have your periods for 30 days from the time of the start of your previous period. A missed period is said when you do not experience your period for 6 weeks from your last period.
There can be various reasons that may hinder your regular period cycle. They may include medical conditions, hormonal disturbances, and lifestyle changes. Nevertheless, you can consult with your doctor for period delay treatment. You can also buy online doctor products from Daily Chemist to treat your condition.
Moreover, here, you can also request medical guidance from experts.
Let’s discuss the reasons for a late period. These causes can be identified in a diagnosis. As per the results, your doctor may begin with your treatment.
Obesity leads to hormonal disturbances. Women, who have more than the standard weight, can experience a period delay.
Low body mass
Eating disorders like bulimia or anorexia nervosa makes the women less weighed. If you have less than the standard weight, the process of ovulation may suffer and ultimately lead to a late period. Women who perform heavy exercises like marathon are also likely to experience the condition.
Taking birth control pills can delay your menstrual cycle. These pills contain an unnatural form of estrogens and progesterone. They restrain the ovaries from discharging eggs. As a result, it disturbs your period cycle.
You can talk to your doctor about a suitable dosage of contraceptive pills and period delay treatment.
Stress disturbs the hormones. Moreover, it also affects your brain parts, especially the hypothalamus, which regulates your period. Long-term stress can lead to weight gain or weight loss and even serious illness. All these disturbances affect your menstrual cycle.
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
Polycystic ovary syndrome is an illness that leads to the excess production of the male hormone (androgen). As a result, a cyst is formed on the ovaries, which hinders the ovulation process or ceases it overall.
Celiac diseases and diabetes
Low blood sugar in diabetes affects the hormonal system and results in period delay. On the other hand, celiac disease is a condition, which causes inflammation in the small intestine. It makes it absorb less of the significant nutrients. The lack of key nutrients in the body may delay your period.
In such conditions, your doctor may prescribe suitable medication to treat your illness. Moreover, he or she may also work on period delay treatment.
The thyroid gland controls the metabolism of the human body, including your menstrual cycle. Therefore, any disturbance in the hormonal system can lead to cause a late period.
For more information, consult with your doctor. Moreover, you can also seek an online doctor consultation for the period delay. Visit the Daily Chemist web page for any queries.