When you feel light-headedness, colored flashes, and sensations of nausea and vomiting, you come to know that you have a migraine. Migraines occur in different phases in different people. In some people, it takes place twice or thrice a week. On the other hand, some people experience it twice or thrice a year. You may think that why do you keep getting migraine? You can consult with your doctor or seek online doctor consultation if you are troubled by the symptoms. However, you may get your answer in this article. Let us learn more about migraine.
There are no exact causes of migraine. However, several factors can trigger the symptoms. These are as follows-
- Genes
Genetic factors are found to be responsible for triggering migraines. If you have a family history of migraines, you can also fall a prey to migraine. However, you can take the help of your doctor or look for online doctor consultation for managing your condition.
- Gender
Females are more prone to migraines than that of males. Menstrual stress also causes migraine. To cope up with the signs and symptoms of migraine in periods, consult with your doctor for preventive measures.
- Hormonal changes
Hormonal changes in females can trigger migraines. The imbalance in estrogens and progesterone can bring in the symptoms of migraine.
- Emotional stress
Emotional stresses are the most common triggers of migraine. When you are stressed, the brain chemicals are disturbed. This results in causing migraine.
- Certain foods and beverages
Certain foods like aged cheese, salty and processed food can trigger migraine symptoms. Alcohol and excessive caffeine can also lead to cause migraine.
You can also take the opinion of your doctor for other foods, which can cause you a migraine. In addition, you can also seek online doctor consultation for the same concern.
- Skipped meal
A skipped meal results in lowering the blood sugar. Low blood sugar causes migraine. Avoid skipping the meals and add nutritious and healthy food to your diet.
- Inadequate sleep
An inadequate sleep brings in many problems. One of them is migraine. Doctors recommend taking around 7-8 hours of sleep at night. If anything is troubling you or escaping you from sleeping well, you can also look for online doctor consultation for medical assistance.
- Physical strain
An overactive physical exercise or even sex can trigger migraines. Activeness is essential for doing or completing a task. However, you need to keep a moderate pace to do the work or activity.
- Shifts in weather
Changes in weather lead to shifts in the air pressure. It can often result in causing migraines. Try to avoid going out in excessively hot or cold weather. This can affect your health and cause migraine.
- Taking excessive medications
Taking medications for a long period or taking so many medications for your illnesses can result in causing migraines. Consult with your doctor or seek online doctor consultation if you notice odd signs and symptoms while taking the medications.
You should also tell your doctor if you have an allergic reaction to any medication. Moreover, consult with them if any medication creates harmful effects. If you avoid these prompters, you can prevent your migraine attacks. Your doctor may lend you a hand in staying healthy and fit.
In addition, simple lifestyle changes like a healthy and timely diet, adequate sleep, regular exercise, dealing with stress, and taking care of you can put a stop to migraine before its occurrence.
You can also look for online doctor consultation for migraines. Give a visit to the Daily Chemist web page for the same concern. Moreover, you can also request for medical guidance from experts.