Chlamydia symptoms, Close physical contact or sexual touch between two people may result in causing STIs. They can affect both men and women. However, doctors say that the Chlamydia symptoms in men differ from those in women. They add that not only the symptoms but also the types of sexually transmitted infections are more common and less common in both of them.
Women have less detectable symptoms
Bacterial infections like Chlamydia and Gonorrhea often do not show any symptoms. It makes the person pass on the disease without knowing that they have an infection.
These infections survive and transmit to other people in this way. People remain unable to rule out the presence of an STI until they go for a diagnosis. Almost all sexually transmitted infections are asymptomatic in both men and women. However, the absence of symptoms is more common in women.
Women get confused with the symptoms
The STI symptoms in women may seem parallel to certain other conditions, which women can experience for various reasons.
Discharge from the vagina is the most common symptom of STIs. However, it can also occur due to the self-cleaning process of the vagina in many women. If there is something unusual like a change in smell or color in the discharge, it can be misunderstood as bacterial vaginosis or thrush.
Doctors mark this point as a common difference. Chlamydia symptoms in men may include signs like discharge from the penis. Men do not experience such conditions for any other reason.
STI transmission is more feasible in women
Women are at more risk of STI transmission. The outer lining of the vagina is thicker and subtle than the penis. It makes it easy for viruses and bacteria to enter. Moreover, the vagina is humid and moist, which becomes a convenient place for bacterial growth.
These things show that STIs are different in men and women. You must consult with your doctor if you notice the symptoms of sexually transmitted infections. An early diagnosis can help to root out the infection completely.