People search for weight loss tips to get rid of obesity. Excessive weight can become the root cause of many health problems. People, who are obese, are prone to heart diseases, hypertension, period delay (women), diabetes, kidney diseases, and certain other health conditions. There are numerous physical and mental health benefits of a normal body mass. You can consult with your doctor for weight loss medications and supplements. However, you can use Orlistat (Xenical) to manage your body mass. The medication works by blocking the enzyme that crushes down fats in your meal. However, it is significant to know that it does not restrict the gathering of calories from sugar and other non-fat foods. Therefore, you should be careful with calorie-intake. You can also take the help of your healthcare provider for a diet chart.
Shop for Xenical-
Xenical/Orlistat 120mg
How do weight loss medicines work?
Xenical can people reduce their weight. It also prevents future weight gain. The fat present in your diet is broken into pieces before the human body soaks it up. The medication resists the enzyme that breaks down fats in your meal. This undigested is released from your body through feces or stools.
Can everyone take weight loss medication?
You should consult with your doctor before taking the medication. Although Orlistat is one of the best weight-loss drugs, it may not suit everyone’s health conditions. People having a history of following medical conditions shouldn’t use this medication-
- Kidney diseases
- Hypothyroidism
- HIV infection
- Eating disorders
- Seizures
It is advisable not to take Xenical if you are pregnant. Moreover, if you are breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this medication. You should tell your doctor if you are already taking any prescription medication or undergoing any other treatment.
Are there any side effects?
People who use Orlistat can experience some side effects. However, not everyone using the medication develop them. If you face the following after-effects while using the medicine, reach out to your doctor. He or she may help manage your condition.
Other severe aftermaths of Xenical 120mg tablet may be allergic reactions, such as difficulty in breathing and rashes. They are rare. However, if you experience them, reach out to your doctor immediately. He or she may ask you to quit the medication, leave it for some time, suggest an alternative, or alter the dosage.
You can seek an online doctor consultation for weight loss. Visit the Daily Chemist web page for any queries. Moreover, you can also request medical guidance from experts.