Acid Reflux: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatments

Acid reflux is a disease, which causes heartburn and a feeling of discomfort in the chest. This is caused when the acid produced by the human body gets into the stomach valve.

                            acid reflux

The human body has a stomach valve, which is made up of muscle ring called lower esophageal sphincter (LES).  This shuts as soon as the food is reached into the stomach. However, if it does not shuts or remains open all the time, the acid generated by the human body gets into the LES and cause Acid reflux disease, also referred to as Gastroesophageal reflux disease.

What are the Symptoms of Acid reflux disease?


It is a feeling of discomfort or burning pain in the stomach. It can lift to your chest or abdomen, and even to your throat.


It is a bitter-tasting acid revolving around your throat or mouth.

  • Other symptoms can also be observed such as
  • Nausea
  • Bloody vomit
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Dysphagia: The feeling of getting your meal stuck into your throat.
  • Dry cough, excessive sore throat, or wheezing

                        excess cough

What are the Causes of Gastroesophageal reflux disease?

  • Consuming heavy meals and lying on the back or curving towards the waist.
  • Smoking
  • Being overweight or suffering from obesity
  • Taking snacks at bedtime

                   bedtime snacks

  • Taking foods like chocolate, citrus, mint, tomato, garlic, or spicy food
  • Consuming a large piece of meal and habit of recumbence after consuming the meal
  • Taking drinks like alcohol, tea, carbonated beverages, coffee, or carbonated drinks
  • Taking medication for blood pressure or muscle relaxation

How is acid reflux disease diagnosed?

You should approach your doctor if you have symptoms of acid reflux for two or more times a week. Heartburn is one of the alarming symptoms of acid reflux disease. You can take first aids like acid-blocking medication, or antacids to cut down the symptoms. If these also do not give long relief, it is high time to consult with your doctor.

Your doctor may conduct tests like-

  • Barium swallow

In this test, you have to swallow a solution to make it easy for framing the X-rays. This is done to examine if the esophagus is narrowing or having ulcers.

  • Esophageal Manometry

This test examines if the esophagus is functioning properly or not. In addition, it considers the lower esophagus sphincter.

  • Monitoring of ph

The doctor inserts a device for 1 to 2 days into your esophagus to check the volume of acid into your stomach. This is done to examine the ph level of acid into the esophagus.

  • Endoscopy

In this test, the doctor put a stretchy, lengthy, and lighted tube at the lower portion of your throat. A camera is also used to check the issues in your stomach or esophagus.

  • A biopsy is often taken along with the test of endoscopy to examine the tissues through a microscope. This is done to examine the abnormalities and checking infection.


What are the Possible Treatments for acid reflux disease?

Lifestyle and diet

A change in diet and lifestyle can reduce the symptoms of acid reflux. This may include-

  • Talking of small pieces of the meal more frequently and alter the sorts of food you consume
  • Take your meal before 2-3 hours before going to bed
  • Quit smoking

            quit smoking

  • Try to lose your weight if you are obese
  • Make your pillow stand 4-6 inches from the bed.
  • Avoid wearing stiff and tight clothes.



With the change in diet and lifestyle, you need to take prescribed medications to get rid of the acid reflux disease.

You can take antacids like Rolaids, Alka-seltzer, Mylanta, or Maalox to reduce the acid disturbance in your stomach. However, this can result in constipation or diarrhea. Particularly on an overdose. So, consult with your doctor if you face any reaction or if antacids do not work.

If the antacids do not work, your doctor may give you-

  • Foaming agents, which cover your stomach to put off acid reflux. Your doctor generally gives Gaviscon.
  • H2 blocks to reduce acid production. Tagamet, Pepcid are most commonly given by doctors.
  • Proton pump inhibitors also decrease the amount of acid your stomach produces. Protonix, Nexium, Prevacid, Aciphex, and Prilosec are effective PPIs to reduce the acid in the stomach.
  • Prokinetics strengthens your LES. It also decreases acid reflux in the stomach. Your doctor generally recommends Urecholine and Reglan.

Do not combine the intake of antacids and prearranged medication at the same period without the consultation of your doctor.


If medications do not work and acid reflux is annihilating your health and life, your doctor may go for surgery with your approval. The surgery depends on your medical and health conditions. 


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