Tag Archives: style

6 Most Effective Ways to Get Rid of Acid Reflux

A large no of people falls prey to Acid Reflux. Acid reflux causes problems like heartburn, feeling of nausea, and sometimes bloating.                          Medications like lansoprazole are the most recurrent and effective treatment of acid reflux. 20mg of the medicine is supposed as standard dosage for treating acid reflux and is available at the medical […]

Lifestyle for Clear Bowel Movements and Avoiding IBS

Clear Bowel in your daily routine, everyday work, health position, age, gender and every action affects the frequency of bowel movements you have in a particular day. Although there is no standard number for bowel actions, it is unusual and probably hazardous to go three or fewer times a week. At times, constipation results in […]

Treatment for IBS That Really Works

IBS stands for irritable bowel syndrome. Irritable bowel syndrome is a long-term abdominal disorder that results in causing discomfort and pain in the abdominal cavity. Frequent problems from diarrhea and constipation symptomizes irritable bowel syndrome. It also causes uneven and aching stools. Although irritable bowel syndrome is not a severe disease, its treatment is very […]

Signs and Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)  is a disorder, which causes chronic ache and uneasiness in your belly. It is frequent episodes of diarrhea and constipation. Many a time, it also results in causing uneven and toughs stools. This disorder brings transformation in sorts of bowel actions and lower abdominal pain. Irritable bowel syndrome can be treated […]

Bed-Wetting: Symptoms, Causes, Risk Factors, Diagnosis, Treatment and More

Bed-wetting is the unintentional urination while sleeping at night, at the age when settling dry at night is rationally anticipated. Bed-wetting is sometimes called nocturnal enuresis or nighttime incontinence.                     Bed-wetting is not a matter to get anguish; it is a common and ordinary section of […]

Breast Cancer: Symptoms, Causes, Risk Factor, Prevention and More

Breast Cancer is a kind of cancer that develops in the breast cells. Breast Cancer can take place in men and women both and most commonly found in women so far.                            Researches and considerable support has helped in disseminating awareness about Cancer. The rate of continued existence has increased, and the […]

Period Delay : Causes, Effect, Diagnosis, Treatments and More

Period delay is a situation when you do not have your periods for 30 days from the time of start of your previous period. If you do not experience your period for 6 weeks from your last period, it can be said as a missed period.                   […]

Poor Sleep : Causes, Consequences, Treatment and More

Poor Sleep is a very common problem in the present day. Covid-19 has disturbed all of our routines. Generally, a doctor recommends 7 to 8 hours of sleep to an adult. Poor sleep can be defined as inadequate sleep than suggested. Poor Sleep is the difficulty faced in sleeping at night and frequent wake-ups during […]

Acid Reflux: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatments

Acid reflux is a disease, which causes heartburn and a feeling of discomfort in the chest. This is caused when the acid produced by the human body gets into the stomach valve.                             The human body has a stomach valve, which is made up of muscle ring called lower esophageal sphincter (LES).  This shuts as […]

Eating Disorders: Types, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment and More

Eating disorders are referred to as mental disorders that include unusual eating habits, which negatively influence their mental or physical well being. Bulimia nervosa, anorexia nervosa, binge-eating disorder are general eating disarray.                                                                          In most of the eating disorders, people focus so much on their weight, food, and body figure. This results in […]

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