Tag Archives: style

Omeprazole: What is the best way to use this medicine?


Omeprazole is a well-working medicine for treating acid reflux. This medication is a part of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), which decrease the amount of stomach acid. In addition to gastrointestinal oesophagus reflux disease (GERD), the drug can help relieve stomach ulcers and infections. Consult your healthcare provider if you experience symptoms, such as sore throat, […]

Ventolin inhaler: How lethal can be an overdose of Ventolin?

ventolin inhaler

Asthma is a respiratory disease, portrayed by chronic swelling and contraction of the airways (bronchi). It leads to difficulty in breathing. An inadequate or anomalous reaction of the immune system towards the protection of the body against foreign bodies results in asthma. This respiratory infection can cause many symptoms, including chest tightness and wheezing. Nevertheless, […]

What are the helpful lifestyle changes for acid reflux?

acid reflux

Acid reflux is a common disease that causes a burning pain, called as heartburn, in the lower chest part. It occurs when stomach acid drips back into the oesophagus. To understand this disease, it must understand how food passes through the body. When a person swallows food, the tongue pushes it down the throat and […]

Hay fever: What are the symptoms and What can trigger the disease?

hay fever

Hay fever, also called allergic rhinitis, is a condition caused by an allergic reaction to pollen. Pollen is a fine powder released by plants, which helps fertilize other plants. When someone with the disease breathes in pollen, their immune system reacts by releasing histamines. The condition causes symptoms, such as sneezing, a runny nose, and […]

Delayed period: What does it means if you are a week late on your period?

period delay

The normal period cycle varies between 21 to 35 days. However, the process may also affect if a woman has any medical or sexual dysfunction or diseases. A delayed period can also be a result of using a medication. For that reason, if your cycle is late (usually considered after 6 weeks), talk with your […]

What is the best male pattern baldness cure? Get treated today!


Alopecia is a frequent hair condition that causes loss of hair. Various causes can be responsible for the same. Anyone can have this problem. Nevertheless, men are more prone to face hairlessness, especially in their late 30s. You can consult your doctor for an effective baldness cure. In addition, reaching out to a pharmacy can […]

Acid reflux cure: Where can you get the best treatment?

acid reflux cure

Acid reflux cure is possible through various methods. Medications, lifestyle adjustments, and preventive measures can help manage the condition. It is a digestive disease, which occurs when the stomach acid drips off into the oesophagus. The oesophagus is the channel that makes your food reach the tummy. In general, this pipe opens when you eat […]

How much do the drugs for erection problems cost?

erection problems

Treatment for erection problems is possible through multiple options, including medications, penile pumps, injections, and surgery. Medications belonging to the drug class of PDE-5 inhibitors are a well-accepted and effective remedy for a weak erection. Nevertheless, these medications are Cialis, Spedra, Levitra, and Viagra. A range of medicines can help alleviate impotence. They may work […]

Alopecia treatment: What are the best products to use?

alopecia treatment

Everyone experiences hair fall, but when your scalp gets empty day-by-day and new tresses do not grow in the place of lost ones, it’s called hair loss condition (alopecia). Various causes can result in baldness. Health remedies, genetic factors, hairstyles, stress, hormonal changes, and aging are some frequent ones. Nevertheless, you can find effective alopecia […]

What are migraine symptoms? How can you get rid of them?

migraine symptoms

What is a migraine? Migraine is a neurological disorder. It causes recurring headaches. The pain can be so intense that it interferes with a person’s ability to go about his or her daily life. The disease is not only about bad headaches. Pulsating pain and other migraine symptoms can last from 4 to 72 hours. […]

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