Tag Archives: prescription

Hay fever symptoms: What are they? How do you get rid of them?

hay fever symptoms

Hay fever (Allergic rhinitis) is an allergic reaction, usually to pollen. It affects the eyes, nose, and throat. However, pollen is a fine powder. Trees, grasses, and weeds release it when their flowers are open and ready to pollinate other plants. The condition shows some symptoms. If you notice them, look for an effective remedy […]

Erectile dysfunction: How can you get rid of impotence?

erection problems

Erectile dysfunction is an ordinary sexual issue in men. It causes a lack of firmness during sex. Moreover, there is no erection sometimes. Various causes can be responsible for this inability. However, diabetes, blood flow issues, and testosterone deficiency are common. Talk to your doctor if you face ED. He may rule out your culprit. […]

Migraine symptoms: What medicines can relieve the condition?


Migraine is a common headache disease. It affects around 15% of men and 30% of women around the globe. Moreover, about 80% of the cases have a warning symptom. These symptoms are known as “aura” or “warning signs”. Symptoms can include visual disturbance, sensory aura, and motor aura. Nevertheless, if you experience an aura talk […]

Acne: What causes pimples? How can you relieve the symptoms?


Acne is a skin ailment caused by the excessive production of sebum. It is a greasy matter produced by the sebaceous glands. Moreover, this skin disease can cause whiteheads, blackheads, and pimples to form on the skin. In the absence of a proper remedy for zits, you may have scars. The symptoms of acne include […]

What are migraine symptoms? How severe can they be?

migraine symptoms

Migraine symptoms can be common but irritating. It is a neurological condition that typically begins in the teenage and twenties. However, the disease can also occur as early as childhood or as late as after 50 years of age. It causes recurrent attacks with throbbing pain. Moreover, it frequently occurs on one side of the […]

What is acne? How can you get rid of stubborn pimples?


Acne is a skin illness that causes pimples. It mostly takes place on the face, neck, chest, and back. Teenagers are more likely to get zits. However, people of all ages can have such a skin condition. They usually go away after 4-5 years. However, sometimes it lasts longer, though. Look for well-working remedies for […]

Hair loss: What are the best solutions for male pattern baldness?

hair loss

Hair loss (alopecia) is a condition in which a person suffers thinning of hair. It can be gradual or sudden. However, you can consult with your doctor for effective remedies if you are facing the issue. Another name for this condition is baldness. There can be various culprits for your falling hairs. However, the frequent […]

Migraine: How to win over a throbbing headache? What can help?


Migraine is a neurological disorder. It is a type of headache, often characterized by certain symptoms. They include throbbing pain on one side of the head, sensitivity to light and sound, and nausea. The condition can also cause vomiting and dizziness. Moreover, some people experience aura symptoms before the headache begins. In such cases, people […]

What is acne? How can you get rid of this skin condition?


Acne is a common and chronic skin condition. It occurs when pores clog with dead skin cells and oil from the skin. It frequently appears on the face, neck, chest, or back. However, such skin diseases can appear anywhere on the body. It affects teens during puberty because of fluctuating hormones. However, adults can also […]

What is Weight Loss? What are the benefits of a healthy weight?

weight loss

Weight loss becomes important if you are overweight. Obesity means having too much body fat. It is a common disease and usually happens over time when you eat more calories than you burn. Your body stores extra calories as fat. The extra pounds can lead to other health problems, like diabetes or heart disease. Nevertheless, […]

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