Tag Archives: lifestyle

What are migraine symptoms? How severe can they be?

migraine symptoms

Migraine symptoms can be common but irritating. It is a neurological condition that typically begins in the teenage and twenties. However, the disease can also occur as early as childhood or as late as after 50 years of age. It causes recurrent attacks with throbbing pain. Moreover, it frequently occurs on one side of the […]

Acid reflux: What is it? How do you relieve heartburn?

acid reflux

Acid reflux is a condition where acid from the stomach flows up into your oesophagus. It can cause a burning sensation in the chest, rising to the throat. Moreover, it sometimes accompanies a sour taste. Another term for this health problem is Gastroesophageal reflux disease. Most cases appear to be caused by a malfunctioning lower […]

What is Migraine? How do you get rid of such headaches?


Migraine is a neurological disorder, which causes severe headaches. It leaves people suffering from great pain, which makes doing things difficult. However, you can look for effective remedy for migraine symptoms, which can help manage your symptoms. It is usually caused by the excessive release of chemicals called excitatory transmitters. This happens due to certain […]

What is acne? How can you get rid of this skin condition?


Acne is a common and chronic skin condition. It occurs when pores clog with dead skin cells and oil from the skin. It frequently appears on the face, neck, chest, or back. However, such skin diseases can appear anywhere on the body. It affects teens during puberty because of fluctuating hormones. However, adults can also […]

Acne: What is the most appropriate treatment? Where do you get them from?


You should know that there is no universal miracle product to fight all types of acne. However, if you use a well-planned and adapted remedy for pimples, it will be most effective. Before starting any kind of remedy, it is significant to understand the type of zits you have and the cause that results in […]

Smoking: Are alternative smoking substances harmless?


Smoking is bad because it increases the risk of cancer and severe diseases. It is obvious, right? This habit can cause lung cancer, heart issues, respiratory problems, and various other severe health problems. Well, what if we tell you that there are smoking alternatives out there that are far worse than your average cigarette? There […]

Symptoms Of HSV And Their Results

Herpes simplex virus (HSV) is a sexually transmitted infection that transmits through sexual and close physical contact. There are two strains in which HSV results in; oral herpes (HSV 1) and genital herpes (HSV 2). They cause sores and blisters on different parts of the body. Oral herpes or cold sores cause blisters in or […]

What is the best treatment for cold sores?

 Herpes simplex virus (HSV) is a sexually transmitted disease. It results in causing oral herpes (cold sores) and genital herpes. The infection appears as blisters; however, in different parts of the human body. Oral herpes/ cold sores take place in or around the mouth, lips, tongue, and throat. On the other hand, genital herpes appears […]

Salamol inhaler help ease my asthma symptoms?

Salamol inhaler help ease my asthma symptoms Respiratory infections affect a large number of people. Asthma and Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are the most common among them. Asthma is a lung condition, which causes swelling in the airways and makes them produce excessive mucus. It results in difficulty breathing. However, the chronic obstructive pulmonary […]

What is the most effective medication for the period delay?

Period delay is a condition when a woman does not experience her periods for 30 days from the time of the start of her previous period. If you do not experience your menses for 6 weeks from your last period, it is said as a missed period. The menstrual cycle is generally of 28 days. […]

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