Tag Archives: immunity

Hay fever: What are the symptoms and What can trigger the disease?

hay fever

Hay fever, also called allergic rhinitis, is a condition caused by an allergic reaction to pollen. Pollen is a fine powder released by plants, which helps fertilize other plants. When someone with the disease breathes in pollen, their immune system reacts by releasing histamines. The condition causes symptoms, such as sneezing, a runny nose, and […]

Asthma symptoms: Can Ventolin evohaler help? How do you use it?

asthma symptoms

Ventolin evohaler can help treat asthma symptoms. It calms down muscles in the lungs. Eventually, it makes it easier to breathe. This medication belongs to a group of drugs known as short-acting beta-agonists. However, they are often referred to as relievers. Relievers can help treat and prevent breathing difficulties during an asthma attack. Nevertheless, use […]

Weight Loss- What are the best ways to burn fat? What remedies can help?

weight loss

The dangers of obesity can be critical and numerous. It can increase a person’s risk of developing heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, some types of cancer, and osteoarthritis. Being obese can also lead to some other health problems. They include high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and breathing problems. You can look for ways, which […]

What are the most effective cold and flu remedies?

When you catch a cold or flu, it means that your immunity is weakened to the point where you are vulnerable to illness. Viruses like influenza or adenovirus cause most of these diseases. Moreover, bacteria like strep throat (streptococcal infection) can also cause some of these illnesses. If you experience having an infection, look for […]

What is Acid Reflux Condition and when does it happen?

Acid reflux is a condition that causes heartburn and sore throat as its symptoms. A person develops the condition when the stomach acid leaves the lower esophagus sphincter (LES) and reaches the food pipe. There can be other symptoms of acid reflux other than heartburn and sore throat. Nevertheless, effective medicines for acid reflux can […]

Poor Sleep : Causes, Consequences, Treatment and More

Poor Sleep is a very common problem in the present day. Covid-19 has disturbed all of our routines. Generally, a doctor recommends 7 to 8 hours of sleep to an adult. Poor sleep can be defined as inadequate sleep than suggested. Poor Sleep is the difficulty faced in sleeping at night and frequent wake-ups during […]

Does An Apple a Day Keeps Doctor Away?

“An apple a day keeps a doctor away”. We have been listening to this very well liked aphorism from our childhood. This proverbial advice of eating an apple a day came into existence in 1866. 150 years later, a medical general published a study on April fool’s day questioning about the popular wisdom. Taking the […]

VitaminD : Benefits, Sources, Deficiency and More

VitaminD is very useful for the human body. Vitamins are the minerals that cannot be prepared by the human body. But the human body produces vitaminD with the help of Sun exposure. One can take various food supplements to accelerate the volume or quantity of vitamin D into the body.  What are the benefits of […]

Tips to Boost Immunity System to Fight Covid-19

Covid-19 or Coronavirus has taken down the world since it has been declared as the global crisis by WHO (World Health Organisation). Amidst the chaos of bustling life, suddenly a pandemic hit the globe and caged the whole world. Coronavirus which started from China spread like a wildfire and soon took over the whole planet […]

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