Tag Archives: alcohol

Flu symptoms: What causes them? How can you prevent the disease?

flu symptoms

Flu is a respiratory sickness. It is caused by a virus. The disease can cause placid to critical illness. Moreover, it can also lead to death in the worst cases. Influenza is different from cold. It usually comes on suddenly. On the other hand, colds come on gradually. People with sickness feel certain symptoms. They […]

Hair loss: What are the types? How can you get rid of them?

hair loss

Alopecia is the medical term for hair loss. It is a common condition that affects millions of men and women every year to varying degrees. We usually think of falling of hair as a problem only affecting the scalp. However, hairlessness can occur anywhere on the body. If you also notice that your scalp is […]

Acid reflux: What are the causes? How can you relieve the condition?

acid reflux

Acid reflux is a medical condition involving stomach acids flowing back into the oesophagus. The acid moves up (refluxes) when your lower oesophageal sphincter (LES), the muscle at the bottom of your food pipe, relaxes at the wrong time. Usually, this muscle acts like a one-way valve. It allows food to pass into the stomach, […]

Acid reflux: What is it? How do you relieve heartburn?

acid reflux

Acid reflux is a condition where acid from the stomach flows up into your oesophagus. It can cause a burning sensation in the chest, rising to the throat. Moreover, it sometimes accompanies a sour taste. Another term for this health problem is Gastroesophageal reflux disease. Most cases appear to be caused by a malfunctioning lower […]

Migraine: How to win over a throbbing headache? What can help?


Migraine is a neurological disorder. It is a type of headache, often characterized by certain symptoms. They include throbbing pain on one side of the head, sensitivity to light and sound, and nausea. The condition can also cause vomiting and dizziness. Moreover, some people experience aura symptoms before the headache begins. In such cases, people […]

Erectile Dysfunction: What does one should know about ED?

erectile dysfunction

There is very much to know about erectile dysfunction. It is basically a sexual dysfunction in men. This causes a weak or no erection during sexual activity. The dysfunction can take place due to many causes. However, the common ones include anxiety, stress, or other health problems. If you do not get or unable to […]

What are the most effective hacks for migraines?

migraine symptoms

Migraine is a very common brain disease. Usually, a migraine occurs as a severe headache. However, sensory warning symptoms called an aura. It alerts the person of an impending attack of head pain, can accompany the condition. Most of the headache episodes last from hours to several days. Some people get milder symptoms from attacks. […]

Acid Reflux? Lansoprazole Can Help To Relieve

Acid reflux is a common condition that causes symptoms like heartburn and sore throat. It results when the acid in the stomach reaches the food pipe. However, the lower esophagus sphincter (LES) is the coating layer of the stomach, which prevents the stomach acid from leaving the cavity. In some cases, this acid happens to […]

Migraine Treatment For Quick Relief

Migraine is a type of headache, which causes throbbing pain in one side of the head. It may show a variety of symptoms. Some of the most common ones may include sensitiveness to smell, sound, or light, decreased appetite, deadness in one side of the body, and weakness or pain in muscles. In addition, the frequency […]

How should I use omeprazole for acid reflux?

Doctors often prescribe omeprazole for acid reflux. It is an effective medication to treat the condition. You should take the medication as your doctor has prescribed it. However, you can also seek an online doctor consultation to ask for a suitable dosage. It is taken once a day. Nevertheless, some people also take omeprazole twice […]

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