What is Migraine? How do you get rid of such headaches?


Migraine is a neurological disorder, which causes severe headaches. It leaves people suffering from great pain, which makes doing things difficult. However, you can look for effective remedy for migraine symptoms, which can help manage your symptoms. It is usually caused by the excessive release of chemicals called excitatory transmitters. This happens due to certain factors like food or stress, making blood vessels sensitive and susceptible to stimuli, resulting in brain pain.
The symptoms are the sensitive scalp, feeling sick, nausea and vomiting. The condition lasts for about 4 to 72 hours. Moreover, this disorder can last up to 7 days after the first episode of migraine. The affected blood vessels become more sensitive to stimuli that could cause a relapse or another attack. It is commonly known as ‘ migraine day’.

Who is more prone to this condition?

These severe headaches are known to run in families. Many factors could cause this disease. These factors include the following-

  • Food
  • Stress
  • Viral infections
  • Strenuous exercise

The people who suffer from this disorder feel alone because it is hard to interact with other people. The unbearable pain during the attack makes interaction with other people difficult. Moreover, it is not simple to forecast when a migraine will take place. The best way to prevent an attack is to avoid or change certain factors that could cause an episode of head pain.

A healthy lifestyle would help prevent further attacks by managing stress, avoiding specific foods, and taking prescribed medication if necessary. If you have been diagnosed with migraine, you should try to avoid the situation where you are most likely to get your attack by taking some precautionary measures.
There are numerous treatment choices for migraine symptoms. You can take medication prescribed by your doctor. Moreover, you can also try natural remedies like peppermint oil, lavender oil, and apple cider vinegar, which could greatly help put off future attacks.

What causes these headaches?

Migraine is not just an ordinary head pain. It is a lot more than that. It is the strongest of all headaches with pain so intense. Although many home remedies can help relieve your symptoms, you should visit your doctor as soon as possible if you feel an attack or feel sick and nauseous. Not much is known about the exact cause of migraine. However, many factors could be responsible.


This type of conditions is likely to run in families. For this reason, researchers believe that genetics play a vital role in development of migraine. 


We all know that stress is a killer, but did you know it could cause migraine? Researchers are still working to dig out the reason why this happens.

Viral infections

Researchers believe that an infectious agent may set off the migraine process, which becomes self-perpetuating.

What can trigger migraines?

The following factors are common triggers for severe headaches-

Hormonal changes

Young women often experience migraines before their periods. Hormones are involved in both of these events. In such cases, remedies may help prevent migraine symptoms.

Poor diet

Studies show that people who follow a diet high in saturated fat are more likely to experience migraines than those who eat healthier food.

Eating habits

You may want to consider changing your eating pattern if you suffer from pulsating head pains. People who eat quickly or who snack between meals are also more likely to experience attacks.

Stress and anxiety

Stress can trigger a migraine attack. Therefore, take some time out for yourself every day and practice some relaxation techniques.
A combination of these factors may lead to throbbing headaches in each case. Therefore, it is hard to say exactly what triggers an attack. The best way to find out your specific trigger is by keeping a diary.

What are the effective medications for migraine?

There are several drugs and treatment choices accessible for its sufferers. Most of them help relieve the pain and the other symptoms that occur due to an attack.
Depending on your needs, lifestyle, and medical history, you should choose one of these three solutions-


It is not easy for people suffering from severe pain to take painkillers during an attack. However, it may relieve your pain and discomfort and lend you a hand in easing migraine symptoms. 

Abortive remedies

A medicine that can stop or reduce the progress of an headache is called an “abortive”. You should use this type of medication as early as possible after feeling the first sign of head pain or other symptoms.

Preventive treatment

These medications are taken daily to prevent attacks.
There are many types of medicines available for treating this condition. They include painkillers and other drugs listed here. However, talk with your doctor about which medicine would be best for you.

How can you prevent a migraine?

You do not have to resign yourself to a life of suffering because you have pulsating headaches. There are many things you can do to prevent them or make them less frequent and severe.

Keep a regular sleeping pattern

Sleeping disorders can cause head pain. Therefore, take enough sleep every night.

Making time for exercise

Regular physical activity can reduce stress levels, which are known to cause migraine attacks. Yoga and meditation may also help improve the symptoms of this condition.

Eat a healthy diet

Eliminating specific food groups from your diet (such as dairy products or gluten) may trigger migraines. Moreover, keep a diary to find out what foods might be affecting you, but it is best to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables every day. A healthy diet is crucial for migraine treatment

Hold back your caffeine intake

Caffeine can cause headaches, especially if you already suffer from migraines. Try limiting your daily intake of caffeine (coffee, tea, cola, etc.) to lessen the chances that caffeine will trigger an attack.

Reduce your stress

Stress can make headache worse. Therefore, try to find ways to relieve it or get some rest when you feel overwhelmed with anxiety. Practicing relaxation techniques may also help to reduce tension, promote better sleep, and prevent migraine symptoms. 

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