Hay fever symptoms: What are they? How do you get rid of them?

hay fever symptoms

Hay fever (Allergic rhinitis) is an allergic reaction, usually to pollen. It affects the eyes, nose, and throat. However, pollen is a fine powder. Trees, grasses, and weeds release it when their flowers are open and ready to pollinate other plants. The condition shows some symptoms. If you notice them, look for an effective remedy for hay fever symptoms. However, the symptoms include-

  • Runny or blocked nose
  • Sneezing
  • Itchy, watery, or red eyes

The symptoms usually come on a few hours after being exposed to the pollen. They usually pass after a few days. Moreover, they have no long-term effects on your health. Antihistamines and other medicines can help relieve your symptoms. Nevertheless, consult your doctor before any medication.

Who gets Allergic rhinitis?

Anyone can get this disease. However, if you already have asthma, you are more likely to develop a pollen allergy. In addition, some kinds of medicine may make your hay fever symptoms. These include some types of contraceptive pills and beta-blockers. They usually ease hypertension. Therefore, tell your doctor if you use other medications. He or she may consider your medications before prescribing you the hay fever treatment.

What causes this allergy?

Hay fever is a reaction to pollen. Most people react to grass pollens or weed pollens from plants such as marestail, mugwort, and sage. These kinds of pollen grains come from plants that are not related to grass. However, sometimes the pollen of certain grasses, such as ryegrass, can also cause this disease.

What can trigger this condition?

Allergens can evoke allergic rhinitis symptoms. It is a respiratory condition. The disease causes the mucous membrane in the nose to swell. Moreover, it also leads to the secretion of excess mucous. The most common allergens involved are-

  • Pollen
  • Dust mite excretion
  • Mold spores
  • Animal hair or dander
  • Insects’ droppings

Usually, some people do not experience any symptoms when exposed to the allergens the first time. However, the body develops antibodies and stores them in the tissue (lymph nodes). It uses them to fight off the same allergen if introduced again. Nevertheless, consult your doctor for an effective remedy if you have hay fever symptoms.

How is the immune system related to this disease?

When the re-exposure of allergens triggers the immune system, it starts to produce histamine. Histamine is a chemical that dilates blood vessels. Moreover, it also increases blood flow to capillaries in the nose, eyes, throat, and lungs. The disease causes inflammation. Eventually, it leads to redness, irritation, itchiness, and excess mucous secretion.

What can worsen your allergic rhinitis?

The most important precipitating factor here is lack of sleep. However, the major culprit is pollen exposure. Other causes are-

Low humidity levels in the bedroom

Low humidity levels in the bedroom can lead to dryness in your nose. It may aggravate nasal allergies, insomnia, and snoring. Therefore, to solve this problem, buy a humidifier.

Dust mites in the mattress and pillows

Dust mites in the mattress and pillows are the major source of indoor allergens. To protect yourself from hay fever symptoms-

  • Consider allergen-proof covers on your mattress and cushions
  • Wash bedding in hot water regularly (at least twice per week). Clean the floor regularly to get rid of dust mites. Doing so can help with your healing.
Sleeping with the window open

Sleeping with the window open leads to exposure to cold drafts. Moreover, doing so can increase nasal allergies. To solve this problem-

  • Buy a room thermometer
  • Close all windows and doors before going to sleep
  • Make sure no outside air enters your room
  • Consider using an air conditioner or dehumidifier, if required

However, if you cannot afford one of these, keep the bedroom door closed. You can also use a vaporizer.

What can help treat hay fever symptoms?

Allergic rhinitis causes sneezing, runny nose, itchiness in the nose and throat. It results when the body reacts to some allergens. They may be pollen or pet dander. Nevertheless, there are many treatments for your allergy. Here are some approaches to alleviate your symptoms-


These medications block the histamine, which is released in the body. However, it happens when an allergen enters it. Histamine causes swelling and itching. Nevertheless, some over-the-counter antihistamines include-

  • Claritin
  • Zyrtec
  • Allegra
  • Benadryl

This remedy can make people sleepy. Therefore, it is best not to drive while taking them. Antihistamines are most effective when taken before its season starts.

Piriton (Chlorphenamine) Antihistamine Tablets – 500 tablets

Allergy Shots

When allergies to some things are the culprits, allergy shots may help. These things include pollen or mold. However, these shots expose the body to small doses of the allergen over time. Eventually, it builds up a tolerance.

Intranasal Corticosteroids

These are steroid shots. They are given in the nose during allergy season. However, Intranasal Corticosteroids help reduce hay fever symptoms like swelling and itching caused by allergies.

Oral Corticosteroids

These are steroid pills to use during its season. They reduce inflammation caused by allergies. However, doctors consider oral corticosteroids when other treatments have not worked. The reason being they have many side effects.

Allergy Remedies

There are a variety of natural remedies available for treating your allergic rhinitis. It can be difficult to determine which remedy works and which does not. The reason being there has not been much research conducted in this area. Nevertheless, some natural treatments include-

  • Zinc

Some studies have found that zinc can reduce the effects of the condition. However, you can get zinc from many fruits and vegetables. They may include oranges, carrots, and broccoli. Moreover, it also comes in supplement form. You can use it orally or apply it topically to the skin.

  • Stinging nettle

Daily use of stinging nettle can help reduce your hay fever symptoms. Nettle does not cause drowsiness. Moreover, it comes in pill form, making it easy to take. It is safe to use for children. In addition, people who suffer from allergies caused by other substances can also use stinging nettle.


Antioxidants help with treatment. They fight free radicals, which occur when an allergen enters the body. Free radicals are uneven molecules that can damage cells. Moreover, they cause inflammation of tissues. Many antioxidants are available. They include-

  • Vitamin C found in kale, oranges, and grapefruit
  • Vitamin E, contained in almonds and spinach
  • Selenium, which comes from peanuts, whole grains, and Brazil nuts
Leukotriene inhibitors

These are prescription medications. Leukotriene inhibitors work to reduce inflammation caused by free radicals in the body. However, doctors often prescribe them in conjunction with steroid shots. They do so for people with severe hay fever symptoms.

What should you do to prevent allergic rhinitis?

  • Reside indoors when pollen counts are elevated.
  • Wear sunglasses when you go outside to prevent pollen from getting into your eyes.
  • Use a dehumidifier in your home during the pollen season. It may keep humidity levels low and help with your healing.
  • Maintain the humidity intensity in your home lower than 50 percent. The reason being mold spores can irritate allergies.
  • Wash sheets and blankets often to remove any pollen. It is also a good idea to wash any stuffed animals or pillows your child sleeps with during this time.
  • Remove any dead leaves or other debris from your lawn regularly.
  • Get a flu vaccine.
  • Give your child allergy shots.

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