Author Archives: Daily Chemist

Asthma: Is it possible to treat asthma naturally? What ways can help?


Making helpful lifestyle adjustments can be supportive for asthma cure. They can help manage your symptoms and prevent them from becoming worse. Although some people need special care to manage their symptoms, most people with this respiratory infection can self-treat their condition by taking medications on time, eating a supportive diet, and making essential lifestyle […]

What are common measures for curing diseases like malaria?


Malaria can result because of a mosquito-borne parasite named Plasmodium. It destroys red blood cells in the body, which leads to anaemia because healthy red blood cells are the primary carrier of oxygen around our bodies. Timely malaria treatment is crucial to avoid complications. The parasites transmit from human to human via mosquitoes infected with […]

Are meal replacement shakes good for weight loss?

weight loss

For weight loss, Meal replacement shakes are a popular concept. If you are trying to lose weight or want to take a meal in a quick Time, these shakes can appear in your mind. Medications like Orlistat 120mg can help lose weight. However, a meal replacement shake can also substitute the food you take in […]

Can acid reflux go away? What medications can help?

acid reflux

Acid reflux is a condition, which occurs when the stomach acid slips into the oesophagus. It causes symptoms like heartburn and sore throat. Moreover, other symptoms may include bloody vomit, dry cough, nausea, and unintended weight loss. This condition may not go away on its own. Therefore,  you need to take medications like omeprazole and […]

How can I cure constipation and prevent it from happening again?


Constipation is a condition when a person cannot defecate in a normal way. The time between the bowel movement is hard and uncomfortable or requires much effort to pass stool from the rectum. It can be diagnosed when a person does not have a bowel movement in three days, despite trying hard. However, the medical […]

Can donating blood before a period delay your period?

period delay

There is no evidence to support the claim that donating blood can cause period delay. Your hormones regulate the timing of your menses. They are controlled by your body’s internal clock or circadian rhythm. Nevertheless, women may want to postpone their menstrual date at times. The reasons can be a holiday, an event, a job […]

What causes hair loss in teenagers? What can help get rid of it?

hair loss

Hair loss (alopecia) is typically thinning of hairs or complete loss of hair. It often starts at the crown and spreads throughout the scalp. Many factors can result in this condition. They include hormone changes, stress, pregnancy, environmental factors, and genetics. Nevertheless, you can look for an effective remedy if your scalp is getting empty […]

Migraine: How can I get rid of migraine pain naturally?


Migraine headaches are not as extremely debilitating as some other types of headaches. However, they still influence a person’s life in significant ways, whether it is through pain or nausea during the throbbing headache or the inability to carry on with normal activities and responsibilities after an episode. Experiencing headaches is one of the most […]

What benefits does breastfeeding offer to mother and child?


You typically give your infant breast milk straight from your breast during breastfeeding. Nursing is another name for it. It’s a private choice whether or not to breastfeed. However, it’s also one that will probably elicit reactions from relatives and friends. Doctors highly advise nursing exclusively for six months. They suggest nursing the infant’s first […]

What are the migraine symptoms and treatments?


Migraine is a headache that causes throbbing pain, usually in one or both sides of the head. There are various other kinds of headaches like tension headache, cluster headache, and thunderclap headache. They all have a specific reason behind their occurrence. However, migraine causes are still unknown. What results in causing these headaches is not […]

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