Acne: What is the most appropriate treatment? Where do you get them from?


You should know that there is no universal miracle product to fight all types of acne. However, if you use a well-planned and adapted remedy for pimples, it will be most effective. Before starting any kind of remedy, it is significant to understand the type of zits you have and the cause that results in the condition. This way, you can adopt a suitable approach and choose one or another product, which may suit your needs the best. Many causes can result in skin diseases, such as zits. Some of the frequent reasons can be as follows-

Internal factors (hormonal problems)

Zits caused by intrinsic aspects usually occur on your face, shoulders, and back.

External factors

Pimples, which result because of extrinsic aspects, usually take place in the T zone (forehead, chin, and nose).

Restless sebaceous glands

If your acne is a consequence of the sebaceous gland, it can occur at puberty. We may see small closed comedones turning into blackheads and evolving into whiteheads. They may occur in the T zone.


Keratinization causes zits around your mouth (corners and sides, like a goatee). You can consult with your dermatologist for effective acne treatment for your problem.


This skin disease affects teenagers and young adults with inflamed pimple.
Zits caused by internal factors or external factors typically appears during puberty or adolescence. It is not exclusively reserved for that age, though it can affect people of all ages. They usually occur in the T zone (forehead, chin, and nose). However, they can also affect the neck, back, and shoulders.

Because the sebaceous glands that produce sebum (oily substance) become more active during adolescence, there is a proliferation of acne in this age group. It may be worth mentioning that zits has nothing to do with hygiene or lifestyle habits, although sometimes people identify them wrongly with these factors.

Therefore, it is significant to clarify that hormones are responsible for the appearance of lesions during puberty and not hygiene or lifestyle habits. Hormones play a key important role in the appearance of zits since they regulate sebum production. Moreover, it is also worth mentioning remedy for pimples, including some drugs, which can cause or worsen acne, such as corticoids, nicotinic acid derivatives, and anabolic steroids.

Regarding internal factors responsible for lesions, we should mention adrenal hyperplasia (congenital or acquired), Cushing syndrome, and androgenic alopecia in women, which are often associated with cystic acne. In addition to these hormonal changes, Insulin resistance, in which the body tries to regulate blood sugar levels by producing more and more insulin (hyperinsulinism), can result in zits. 

What are the best treatments for pimples?

Acne caused by internal factors

It usually affects people under 25 years old, and several factors can contribute to the appearance of lesions.

Hormonal problems (PCOS and adrenal hyperplasia)

Talking about hormonal treatments, contraceptives for women, and anti-androgens for men are effective remedies. However, if you have polycystic ovary syndrome, your doctor may recommend anti-androgens. Cyproterone acetate can be mostly prescribed.

Drugs (anabolic steroids)

For the treatment of acne caused by drugs, doctors may prescribe antibiotics. If there is an infection (pustules or abscesses), oral or local antibiotic therapy with benzoyl peroxide can help with your pimple healing.

Endocrine diseases (Cushing syndrome and adrenal hyperplasia)

If you have endocrine problems, corticoids can assist in your treatment. However, it is crucial to inform about possible side effects, such as cushingoid appearance (increase in body fat), moon face, and truncal obesity.

Metabolic diseases

If you have metabolic diseases such as hyperinsulinism, your dermatologist may recommend specific treatment to reduce the uneasiness.

Acne, as a consequence of external factors

You will need to use remedies that can fight comedones, such as closed comedones or blackheads and open comedones or whiteheads. In the first case, blackheads are usually located on the nose and at the T zone. For this type of skin disease, you can use a topical retinoid (adapalene, tretinoin), which has a comedolytic effect on closed comedones.
In the second case, it occurs at the cheeks and chin. You can use a topical antiseptic (benzoyl peroxide) which has an antibacterial effect on open comedones. If you have inflammatory acne lesions (papules or pustules), you may need to use remedy for pimples, such as the following-

  • Oral antibiotics such as tetracyclines or macrolides
  • Topical antibiotics such as benzoyl peroxide
  • Clindamycin gel
  • Adapalene

In severe cases of inflammatory acne, you may also need oral isotretinoin treatment alone or in combination with injectable corticoids depending on the severity.

Is it possible to prevent zits?

Pimples is a common skin disease. There is a good chance that you or somebody you know has dealt with acne recently or is currently suffering from it in some capacity. The disease involves the formation of zits on the skin, which can range from minor annoyances to large and painful cysts under the skin. However, there are many ways to treat pimples. In some cases, it is possible to reduce or prevent the formation of new cysts.

Healthy lifestyle

The first thing you should do to prevent the skin disease from forming is considered your lifestyle habits. Leading a healthy lifestyle that involves plenty of exercise, proper diet, and getting enough sleep has been associated with a lower chance of developing acne. In addition to this, drinking plenty of water can help keep your body flushed out; diminishing the chances that you will produce excess oils or other substances on the skin that may cause an zits flare-up.

Quit smoking and avoid stress to make pimple healing successful

Smoking and avoiding stress in your life are also highly associated with acne formation.
These two things can affect how the body functions. In turn, it increases the chance that the body may produce improper substances. However, this is particularly true for cigarettes. Stress can cause hormone fluctuations that influence your skin’s health and function.

Keep your hands off your face

Touching your face throughout the day is also associated with increased acne formation. It can be difficult to avoid, considering many people do this without even realizing it. However, try to keep your hands off your face as much as possible. It will reduce how often you transfer oils and other substances from your fingers onto the skin, increasing the chance of breakouts.

Use mild soap and avoid certain foods

To reduce the likelihood that acne will form on your skin, you should also avoid using harsh soaps or other chemical products. Many soaps are very strong and may irritate your skin, especially if you have sensitive skin, to begin with. Instead, use mild soaps with moisturizing agents. Moreover, you should also avoid foods that are high in sugar or saturated fats. They can contribute to oil production on the skin. Therefore, do not consume such foods to support your pimple treatment. 

Remove dead skin cells

You should aim to effectively remove dead skin cells from your face each day. It is most easily done through exfoliation, a natural procedure, which involves the regular removal of dead skin cells. Exfoliation can help stimulate new cell growth and improve blood flow to your face, which is healthy for any part of your body. If you have never exfoliated before or are new to this procedure, it is best to start with gentle ingredients such as oatmeal or rice. As you become more comfortable with the procedure, you can try using other additives, such as fruit enzymes to improve your skin’s health even more.

Considering these options for preventing acne is a first step towards eliminating this condition from your life. Keep in mind that if you have already experienced this skin disease, these methods may not be able to eliminate your acne overnight. It is a complex condition that requires time and patience to treat. However, these lifestyle changes can help your skin function at its best, prevent further breakouts from forming, and make your pimple treatment successful.

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